Privacy Policy

In order not to damage the relationship of trust between Digital Accels Inc. ("Digital Accels") and the customer, we strive to protect the deposited personal information of the customer appropriately by establishing the following policy.

Acquisition of Personal Information

Digital Accels will acquire the customer's personal information by lawful and fair means that comply with laws and regulations.

Handling of Personal Information

Digital Accels shall comply with laws and other regulations related to handling of personal information in order to handle personal information properly. Digital Accels will clarify the regulations related to the handling of personal information and thoroughly inform employees.  Digital Accels will also request proper handling to outsourcing parties handling personal information.

To provide our information distribution service to the customer who has registered for Digital Accels's service.
To deal with customer's inquiries or requests.
To provide and/or suggest information on the products and services provided by Digital Accels by means such as direct marketing and telemarketing etc.
To introduce magazines, books, seminars, and events, etc. and conduct questionnaire surveys etc.
To provide information to advertisers of the ad placed on Digital Accels's media or the seller of the product introduced on Digital Accels's media according to the "Use of Personal Information and Disclosure / Provision to Third Parties" shown below.
To analyze the use of services by the customer, develop new services and improve existing services.
To personalize contents and advertisements based on attributes such as occupation, type of business, age, title, etc. or browsing history on Digital Accels's media.

Management and Protection of Personal Information

In order to provide reasonable safety measures against risks such as unauthorized access to personal information, leakage, loss, damage, etc. of personal information, Digital Accels will consistently devote any management resources that is in accordance with the actual situation of the business and continually upgrade and/or improve the security system of personal information.  Also, in the event of an accident such as leakage of personal information, Digital Accels will take action quickly and correspondingly.

Use of Personal Information and Disclosure / Provision to Third Parties

Digital Accels will not use the customer's personal information for purposes other than those mentioned above unless the customer agrees.  In addition, Digital Accels will not disclose/provide personal information to third parties without customer's consent, except in the following cases and clearly specified in this Privacy Policy;

Based on the provisions of laws and regulations.

In the case of providing to advertisers etc. based on customer's request for information, inquiries, etc. In the following cases, Digital Accels will provide personal information to the advertiser for which the customer requested documents or the seller of the product that the customer has viewed the details.  The personal information provided in this way will be managed by those advertisers or sellers.  For details of the handling of personal information in this case, please contact the advertiser or seller accordingly;

When the customer has requested documents or inquired about the advertisement appeared inDigital Accels's media.
When the customer viewed details of the advertisement/advertiser on Digital Accels's media.
When the customer viewed details of products appeared in Digital Accels's media.
The range of the personal information provided to the advertiser, which is included in "Purpose of Use of Personal Information" column above, is the name, e-mail address, occupation, work place, position, address and telephone number.  Means and methods for providing to advertisers are through the system which Digital Accels controls, electronic media such as CD-ROM and analog media such as paper.  If you wish to suspend the offer to the advertiser, please follow the procedure described in the column "Inquiries, Corrections, Deletions of Information and Suspension of Information Provision to Third Parties" below.

Shared Use of Personal Information

Digital Accels may share personal information of the customer within the scope necessary for achieving the purpose of use with companies separately designated as group companies such as companies and affiliates in parent-subsidiary relationship with Digital Accels.  The companies designated as our group company are listed here.
The scope and the purpose of use of personal information to be shared are the same as described in the "Purpose of Use of Personal Information" article above.  In addition, the person responsible for administration in the shared use shall be Digital Accels.  For specific inquiries, please contact here (contact).

Inquiries, Corrections, Deletions of Information and Suspension of Information Provision to Third PartiesThe customer can contact Digital Accels regarding disclosure of personal information of him/herself (notification/disclosure of purpose of use, correction/addition/deletion of contents of personal information, suspension or elimination of use of personal information, and suspension of information provision to third parties such as advertisers) at Digital Accels's contact specified below.  In such cases, Digital Accels will respond within a reasonable period upon identity confirmation of the customer.  Please also contact us regarding complaints and consultations concerning Digital Accels's handling of personal information at the contact information below.  In addition, in the case where the customer has stopped or eliminated the use of personal information, or conducted the procedure to suspend the provision of advertisers etc. to a third party, the customer may not be able to use all or part of services provided by Digital Accels.

Outsourcing of Information Processing

When consigning handling of personal information, Digital Accels assigns outsourcers who are compliant with Digital Accels's expected protection level of personal information, and conduct necessary and appropriate supervision of outsourcing partners so that safety management can be planned.


Personal Information
Digital Stacks Corporation
Osaki Bright Core 4F SHIP
5-5-15, Kita-Shinagawa,
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0001